Mr. Janardana Pai R
With MCA
2007 - Associate Member
2008 - Partner
Professional Experience
Audit & Assurance
- Statutory Corporate Audits
- Branch Audit of Banks
- Stock Audits
Domestic Taxation
- Direct Tax Advice/ Personal Taxation & representing before Income tax advisory
- Indirect Tax Advice on VAT & Representation before the same
- Project finance consultant
- Credit Analysis and Review
- Brand Advisory and Intellectual Property development Advisory
- Capital Financing and Debt Syndication Advisory
- Bachelor of Commerce from University of Kerala, India
- Fellow Chartered Accountant
Contact him:
- Manohar Chowdhry & Associates,
P.B 2071, 201, II Floor,
Athaikulath Apartments,
Cheruparambath Road,
Kochi (Cochin) - 682 020 - Landline: +91484-3500100
- Telefax: +91 40 23735544
- E - Mail : jpai@mca.co.in