Mr. Abishek Goli
Partner - Audit & Assurance
Education Qualification
- Associate Member of ICAI – Since Nov, 2011.
- Completed Bachelor’s of Commerce from Badruka College of Commerce, Hyderabad, Osmania University in the year 2009.
Work Experience : Having more than 7 years of Post Qualification Experience
Organization : Associated with MCA from 2015
Areas of exposure:
- Statutory Audit, Tax Audit, Internal Audit, Stock Audit, Concurrent Audit etc.
- Having knowledge of SAP, ERP Packages and Tally etc.
Other areas of exposure
- Cross Border Transaction pursuant to International Taxation
- Transfer Pricing Audits
Contact him:
- Manohar Chowdhry & Associates,
# 204A,Concurce complex
Opp: Lal Bunglow, Green lands Road,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500 016
Telangana, India
- Landline: +91 40 23735533
- Email: abishek.g@mca.co.in