Mr. Yoganandh K S
Managing Partner
1994 - PARTNER
Professional Experience
Audit & Assurance
- Statutory Corporate Audits
- Statutory Audit of Government Entities
- Statutory Audit of Banks & Financial Institutions
- Statutory Audit of Non Government Organisations
- Statutory Audit of Non Profit Organisations
- Propriety Audits
- Stock Audits
International Taxation
- Double taxation Avoidance Guidelines (DTAA)
- NRI Taxation
- Transfer pricing review & audits
Settlement Commission
- Formation of Opinions
- Representation before the Settlement Commission
- Graduate of Science from University of Madras
- Fellow Chartered Accountant
Contact him:
- Manohar Chowdhry & Associates,
New # 27,Subramaniam Street
Abiramapuram,Chennai - 600 018,
Tamil Nadu, India - Landline: +91 44 42903333
- Telefax: +91 44 42903350
- Email: ksy@mca.co.in